Council - Thursday 13 October 2022, 7:00pm - Timeline Tab - Start video at 0:08:26 - Woking Borough Council Webcasting

Thursday, 13th October 2022 at 7:00pm 









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  1. The Mayor
  2. Chaplain
  3. The Mayor
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  1. Cllr Tahir Aziz
  2. The Mayor
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  1. Cllr Colin Kemp
  2. The Mayor
  3. Chief Executive Julie Fisher
  4. The Mayor
  5. Cllr Ian Johnson
  6. The Mayor
  7. The Mayor
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  1. Public Speaker
  2. The Mayor
  3. Public Speaker
  4. The Mayor
  5. The Mayor
  6. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  7. Public Speaker
  8. The Mayor
  9. Cllr Amanda Boote
  10. The Mayor
  11. Cllr Kevin Davis
  12. The Mayor
  13. Cllr Josh Brown
  14. The Mayor
  15. Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
  16. The Mayor
  17. Cllr Liam Lyons
  18. The Mayor
  19. Cllr Hassan Akberali
  20. The Mayor
  21. The Deputy Mayor
  22. The Mayor
  23. The Deputy Mayor
  24. Cllr Adam Kirby
  25. The Mayor
  26. Cllr Tahir Aziz
  27. The Mayor
  28. Cllr Ellen Nicholson
  29. The Mayor
  30. Cllr Liam Lyons
  31. The Mayor
Share this agenda point
  1. The Mayor
  2. Cllr Kevin Davis
  3. The Mayor
  4. Cllr Rob Leach
  5. The Mayor
  6. Cllr Gary Elson
  7. Cllr Liam Lyons
  8. The Mayor
  9. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  10. Cllr Will Forster
  11. The Mayor
  12. Cllr Adam Kirby
  13. Cllr Dale Roberts
  14. The Mayor
  15. Cllr Dale Roberts
  16. The Mayor
  17. Cllr Dale Roberts
  18. The Mayor
  19. Cllr Dale Roberts
  20. The Mayor
  21. Cllr Dale Roberts
  22. The Mayor
  23. Cllr Dale Roberts
  24. The Mayor
  25. Cllr Adam Kirby
  26. The Mayor
  27. Cllr James Sanderson
  28. The Mayor
  29. Cllr Louise Morales
  30. The Mayor
  31. Cllr Liam Lyons
  32. The Mayor
  33. Cllr James Sanderson
  34. Cllr Dale Roberts
  35. The Mayor
  36. Cllr Kevin Davis
  37. Cllr Liam Lyons
  38. The Mayor
  39. Cllr Josh Brown
  40. Cllr Rob Leach
  41. The Mayor
  42. Cllr Gary Elson
  43. The Mayor
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
  2. The Mayor
  3. Cllr Will Forster
  4. The Mayor
Share this agenda point
  1. The Mayor
  2. Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
  3. Cllr Ian Johnson
  4. The Mayor
  5. Cllr Ian Johnson
  6. The Mayor
  7. Cllr Tahir Aziz
  8. The Mayor
  9. Cllr Rob Leach
  10. The Mayor
  11. Cllr Rob Leach
  12. The Mayor
  13. Cllr Rob Leach
  14. Cllr Peter Graves
  15. The Mayor
  16. Cllr Peter Graves
  17. The Mayor
  18. Cllr Liam Lyons
  19. The Mayor
  20. Cllr Ellen Nicholson
  21. The Mayor
  22. The Deputy Mayor
  23. The Mayor
  24. The Deputy Mayor
  25. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  26. The Mayor
  27. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  28. The Mayor
  29. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  30. The Mayor
  31. Cllr Tahir Aziz
  32. The Mayor
  33. Cllr Josh Brown
  34. The Mayor
  35. Cllr Kevin Davis
  36. The Mayor
  37. Cllr Adam Kirby
  38. The Mayor
  39. Cllr Will Forster
  40. The Mayor
  41. Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
  42. The Mayor
  43. Chief Executive Julie Fisher
  44. The Mayor
  45. Chief Executive Julie Fisher
  46. The Mayor
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  2. The Mayor
  3. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  4. The Mayor
  5. The Mayor
  6. Cllr Liam Lyons
  7. The Mayor
  8. Cllr Ayesha Azad
  9. The Mayor
  10. Cllr Rob Leach
  11. The Mayor
  12. Cllr Steve Dorsett
  13. The Mayor
  14. Cllr Will Forster
  15. The Mayor
  16. Cllr Liam Lyons
  17. The Mayor
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  1. The Mayor
  2. Cllr Adam Kirby
  3. The Mayor
  4. Webcast Finished