Standards and Audit Committee - Thursday 6 July 2023, 7:00pm - Woking Borough Council Webcasting
Standards and Audit Committee
Thursday, 6th July 2023 at 7:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Minutes
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Claire Storey
Agenda item :
2 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
3 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
4 Urgent Business
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Agenda item :
Matters for Determination
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Agenda item :
5 Introductory Brief from Grant Thornton LLP, the Incoming External Auditor from 2023/24
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Claire Storey
Cllr Josh Brown
Claire Storey
Cllr Andy Caulfield
Claire Storey
Claire Storey
Agenda item :
6 Update on External Audit STA23-010
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External Audit
Claire Storey
Brendan Arnold
Claire Storey
External Audit
Claire Storey
External Audit
Brendan Arnold
Brendan Arnold
Claire Storey
Cllr Andy Caulfield
Claire Storey
External Audit
Claire Storey
External Audit
Claire Storey
Cllr Josh Brown
External Audit
Cllr Josh Brown
External Audit
Claire Storey
Brendan Arnold
Claire Storey
External Audit
Claire Storey
Cllr Stephen Oades
Claire Storey
Cllr Hassan Akberali
Claire Storey
Agenda item :
7 Internal Audit Annual Report 2022/23 STA23-009
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Claire Storey
Internal Audit
Claire Storey
Internal Audit
Claire Storey
Brendan Arnold
Internal Audit
Claire Storey
Internal Audit
Claire Storey
Internal Audit
Claire Storey
Cllr Steve Greentree
Claire Storey
Brendan Arnold
Cllr Steve Greentree
Brendan Arnold
Cllr Steve Greentree
Claire Storey
Internal Audit
Claire Storey
Agenda item :
8 Hale End Court - Audit Outcome STA23-006
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Louise Strongitharm
Claire Storey
Cllr Stephen Oades
Claire Storey
Cllr Steve Greentree
Claire Storey
Louise Strongitharm
Claire Storey
Louise Strongitharm
Claire Storey
Brendan Arnold
Claire Storey
Cllr Josh Brown
Claire Storey
Cllr Andy Caulfield
Claire Storey
Cllr Stephen Oades
Claire Storey
Agenda item :
9 Draft Budget Timetable STA23-011
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Brendan Arnold
Claire Storey
Cllr Josh Brown
Brendan Arnold
Cllr Josh Brown
Brendan Arnold
Claire Storey
Agenda item :
10 Registration of Interests for Members Elected in 2023 STA23-008
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Gareth John
Claire Storey
Gareth John
Claire Storey
Brendan Arnold
Claire Storey
Agenda item :
11 Standards and Audit Committee - Work Programme STA23-007
- Schedule Referred to in Declaration of Interests, opens in new tab
- STA23-010 Update on External Audit, opens in new tab
- BDO Update Report to Woking Borough Council, opens in new tab
- STA23-009 Internal Audit Annual Report, opens in new tab
- STA23-009 Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- STA23-006 Hale End Court - Audit Outcome, opens in new tab
- STA23-006 Appendix 1 - Compliance Audit Report, opens in new tab
- STA23-011 Draft Budget Timetable, opens in new tab
- Registration of Interests for Members Elected in May 2023, opens in new tab
- STA23-007 Standards and Audit Committee - Work Programme, opens in new tab