Council - Thursday 8 February 2024, 7:00pm - Start video at 0:06:18 - Woking Borough Council Webcasting
Thursday, 8th February 2024 at 7:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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The Mayor
The Mayor
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence.
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest.
Agenda item :
3 Minutes.
Agenda item :
4 Mayor's Communications.
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Agenda item :
5 Urgent Business.
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Agenda item :
6 Questions from Members of Public.
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Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
Agenda item :
7 Petition - St Mary's Community Centre, Byfleet WBC24-010.
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The Mayor
Public Speaker
The Mayor
Cllr Amanda Boote
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
Public Speaker
The Mayor
Cllr Kevin Davis
Public Speaker
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
Public Speaker
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Dorsett
Public Speaker
The Mayor
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
Cllr Tahir Aziz
Cllr Tahir Aziz
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Dorsett
The Mayor
Cllr Hassan Akberali
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
The Deputy Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Cllr Kevin Davis
The Mayor
Cllr Anila Javaid
The Mayor
Cllr Adam Kirby
Cllr Stephen Oades
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Dorsett
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
Cllr Steve Dorsett
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Daryl Jordan
Gareth John
Cllr Saj Hussain
Cllr Daryl Jordan
Gareth John
Cllr Saj Hussain
Gareth John
Cllr Josh Brown
Gareth John
Gareth John
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Cllr Adam Kirby
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
Cllr Amanda Boote
The Mayor
Cllr Kevin Davis
The Mayor
Cllr Peter Graves
The Mayor
Cllr Guy Cosnahan
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
Cllr Steve Dorsett
The Mayor
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Cllr Swati Mukherjee
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Gareth John
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Cllr Adam Kirby
Cllr Adam Kirby
Cllr Saj Hussain
Gareth John
Cllr Swati Mukherjee
Cllr Josh Brown
Cllr Swati Mukherjee
Cllr Josh Brown
Cllr Swati Mukherjee
The Mayor
Gareth John
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Agenda item :
8 Announcements by the Leader of the Council, Committee Chairmen and the Chief Executive.
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Cllr Guy Cosnahan
Gareth John
Cllr Guy Cosnahan
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Agenda item :
9 Recommendations of the Executive WBC24-005.
Agenda item :
9 a) Community Asset Transfer Policy EXE24-012.
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Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Cllr Adam Kirby
The Mayor
The Deputy Mayor
The Mayor
The Deputy Mayor
Cllr Ian Johnson
The Deputy Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Cllr Peter Graves
The Mayor
Cllr Anila Javaid
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Dorsett
The Mayor
Cllr Chris Martin
The Mayor
Cllr Tahir Aziz
The Mayor
Cllr Kevin Davis
The Mayor
Cllr Amanda Boote
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Oades
The Mayor
Gareth John
The Mayor
Gareth John
The Mayor
Gareth John
Cllr Stephen Oades
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Agenda item :
9 b) General Fund Budget 2024-25 and Proposed Savings EXE24-001.
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Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Cllr Will Forster
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
Cllr Will Forster
Cllr Saj Hussain
Cllr Will Forster
Cllr Saj Hussain
Cllr Will Forster
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Cllr John Morley
The Mayor
Cllr John Morley
Cllr Stephen Oades
The Mayor
Cllr Liam Lyons
The Mayor
Cllr Amanda Boote
The Mayor
Cllr Hassan Akberali
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Hassan Akberali
Cllr Kevin Davis
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Dorsett
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
Cllr Dale Roberts
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Cllr Rob Leach
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
Cllr Anila Javaid
The Mayor
Agenda item :
9 b) General Fund Budget 2024-25 and Proposed Savings EXE24-001.
Share this agenda point
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Cllr Tahir Aziz
The Mayor
Cllr Adam Kirby
The Mayor
Cllr Daryl Jordan
The Mayor
Cllr Dale Roberts
Cllr Will Forster
Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Cllr Will Forster
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Cllr Liam Lyons
The Mayor
Cllr Adam Kirby
The Mayor
Cllr Tahir Aziz
The Mayor
Cllr Anila Javaid
The Mayor
Cllr Peter Graves
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Dorsett
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Dale Roberts
Cllr Josh Brown
Cllr Liam Lyons
The Mayor
Cllr Liam Lyons
Gareth John
Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Chief Executive Julie Fisher
The Mayor
Agenda item :
9 c) Housing Revenue Account Budgets 2024-25 EXE24-002.
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Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Cllr Ian Johnson
The Mayor
Cllr Daryl Jordan
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Tahir Aziz
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Ian Johnson
The Mayor
Agenda item :
9 d) Capital Programme 2023-24 to 2027-28 EXE24-003.
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Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Cllr Ian Johnson
The Mayor
Cllr Peter Graves
The Mayor
Cllr Adam Kirby
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Cllr Josh Brown
The Mayor
Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Agenda item :
9 e) Future of Brockhill EXE24-017.
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Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Cllr Ian Johnson
The Mayor
Cllr Saj Hussain
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Cllr Kevin Davis
The Mayor
Cllr Ellen Nicholson
The Mayor
Agenda item :
10 Designation of Polling Place - Ward of Heathlands WBC24-009.
Agenda item :
11 Appointment of Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer WBC24-004.
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- WBC24-004 Appointment of Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer
- WBC24-004 Appendix 1 - Strategic Director for Finance Job Profile
- WBC24-004 Appendix 2 - Section 151 Recruitment for Council
- WBC24-004 Supplementary Report - Appointment of Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer
- WBC24-004 Appendix - Minutes of the Appointments Panel
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Cllr Kevin Davis
The Mayor
Cllr Dale Roberts
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Dorsett
The Mayor
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Agenda item :
12 Appointment of Returning Officer WBC24-008.
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Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Deputy Mayor
The Mayor
Gareth John
The Mayor
Agenda item :
13 Amendment to Calendar of Meetings WBC24-006.
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Cllr Ann-Marie Barker
The Mayor
Webcast Finished
- Schedule Referred to in Declaration of Interests, opens in new tab
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- WBC24-007 Questions from Members of Public, opens in new tab
- WBC24-007A Responses to Questions from Members of Public 8 February 2024, opens in new tab
- WBC24-010 Petition - St Marys Day Centre, opens in new tab
- WBC24-010 Amended Paper - Petition - St Marys Day Centre, opens in new tab
- WBC24-005 Recommendations of the Executive, opens in new tab
- WBC24-011 Supplementary Report - Recommendations of the Executive, opens in new tab
- WBC24-011 Appendix 1 - Amended Report - General Fund Budget 2024-25 and Proposed Savings, opens in new tab
- EXE24-012 Community Asset Transfer Policy, opens in new tab
- EXE24-012 Appendix 1 - Woking CAT policy, opens in new tab
- EXE24-012 Appendix 2 - Roadmap for CAT, opens in new tab
- EXE24-012 Appendix 3 - Expression of Interest, opens in new tab
- EXE24-012 Appendix 4 - Business Case final, opens in new tab
- EXE24-012 Appendix 5 - JD community broker, opens in new tab
- EXE24-001 General Fund Budget 2024-25 and Proposed Savings, opens in new tab
- EXE24-001 Appendix 5 - Cover Report for EqIAs supporting the MTFS, opens in new tab
- WBC24-012 Supplementary Report - Recommendations of the Executive, opens in new tab
- EXE24-002 Housing Revenue Account Budgets 2024-25, opens in new tab
- EXE24-002 Appendix 1 HRA Budgets 2024-25, opens in new tab
- EXE24-003 Capital Programme 2023-24 to 2027-28, opens in new tab
- EXE24-003 Appendix 1 - CP Summary, opens in new tab
- EXE24-003 Appendix 2 - Financing Summary, opens in new tab
- EXE24-003 Appendix 3 - Housing Capital Programme, opens in new tab
- EXE24-003 Appendix 4 - General Fund Projects, opens in new tab
- EXE24-003 Appendix 4a - IT Programme, opens in new tab
- EXE24-003 Appendix 5 - Glossary, opens in new tab
- EXE24-017 Future of Brockhill, opens in new tab
- WBC24-009 Designation of Polling Place, opens in new tab
- WBC24-004 Appointment of Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer, opens in new tab
- WBC24-004 Appendix 1 - Strategic Director for Finance Job Profile, opens in new tab
- WBC24-004 Appendix 2 - Section 151 Recruitment for Council, opens in new tab
- WBC24-004 Supplementary Report - Appointment of Director of Finance and Section 151 Officer, opens in new tab
- WBC24-004 Appendix - Minutes of the Appointments Panel, opens in new tab
- WBC24-008 Appointment of Returning Officer, opens in new tab
- WBC24-006 Amendment of Calendar of Meetings, opens in new tab