Resource and Finance Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 9 July 2024, 7:00pm - Woking Borough Council Webcasting
Resource and Finance Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 9th July 2024 at 7:00pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr Leslie Rice
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 Urgent Business
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Agenda item :
Matters for Determination
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Agenda item :
5 Work Programme
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Cllr Stephen Oades
Scrutiny & Democratic Services Officer Toby Nash
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr Leslie Rice
Scrutiny & Democratic Services Officer Toby Nash
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Steve Greentree
Scrutiny & Democratic Services Officer Toby Nash
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr Leslie Rice
Scrutiny & Democratic Services Officer Toby Nash
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Agenda item :
Matters for Scrutiny
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Agenda item :
6 Project Management
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Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr John Pearce
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr John Pearce
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr John Pearce
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr John Pearce
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Stephen Oades
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Steve Greentree
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr John Pearce
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Leslie Rice
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr Leslie Rice
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Leslie Rice
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Agenda item :
7 Principles of Risk Management
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Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Agenda item :
8 Performance Management Report
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Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Amanda Boote
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Steve Greentree
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Corporate Strategy Manager Pino Mastromarco
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Scrutiny & Democratic Services Officer Toby Nash
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Steve Greentree
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-004 - Work Programme, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-001 Project Management Report, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-001 - Appendix 2 -Project MandateTemplate, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-001 - Appendix 3 - Project Workbook Template, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-001 - Appendix 4 - Project Monitoring Report, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-002 Principles of Risk Management, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-002 - Appendix 1 - WBC Risk Management Policy, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-002 - Appendix 2 - Strategic Risk Register April 2024, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-003 Performance Management, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-003 - Appendix 1 - WBC Performance Management Report Q4, opens in new tab