Resource and Finance Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 5 November 2024, 7:00pm - Woking Borough Council Webcasting
Resource and Finance Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 5th November 2024 at 7:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Stephen Fitzgerald
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Dale Roberts
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 Urgent Business
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Cllr Amanda Boote
Agenda item :
Matters for Determination
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Agenda item :
5 Work Programme RFSC24-012
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Agenda item :
5 a) Recommendation and Action Tracker
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Agenda item :
5 Work Programme RFSC24-012
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Agenda item :
5 a) Recommendation and Action Tracker
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Agenda item :
5 b) Risk Register
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Kevin Foster
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Pearce
Kevin Foster
Cllr John Pearce
Kevin Foster
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Amanda Boote
Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Amanda Boote
Lee Danson
Agenda item :
5 c) Proposal: Additional Committee Meeting RFSC24-018
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Agenda item :
Matters for Scrutiny
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Agenda item :
6 Reporting process for Improvement and Recovery Programme RFSC24-013
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Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Amanda Boote
Sir Tony Redmond
Cllr Amanda Boote
Sir Tony Redmond
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Pearce
Lee Danson
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Amanda Boote
Lee Danson
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Anila Javaid
Cllr Amanda Boote
Sir Tony Redmond
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Anila Javaid
Sir Tony Redmond
Sir Tony Redmond
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Anila Javaid
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Morley
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Sir Tony Redmond
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Morley
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Amanda Boote
Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Morley
Cllr John Morley
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Anila Javaid
Cllr Amanda Boote
Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Agenda item :
7 Treasury Management Mid-Year Review 2024/25 RFSC24-016
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Stephen Fitzgerald
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Cllr Amanda Boote
Stephen Fitzgerald
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Stephen Oades
Stephen Fitzgerald
Cllr Stephen Oades
Stephen Fitzgerald
Stephen Fitzgerald
Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Morley
Cllr Amanda Boote
Mike Stevens
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Morley
Cllr Amanda Boote
Stephen Fitzgerald
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Mike Stevens
Cllr Amanda Boote
Mike Stevens
Cllr Leslie Rice
Mike Stevens
Cllr Leslie Rice
Mike Stevens
Cllr Leslie Rice
Mike Stevens
Cllr Amanda Boote
Mike Stevens
Cllr Leslie Rice
Mike Stevens
Cllr Amanda Boote
Agenda item :
8 Summary of Statutory Duties of Local Authorities RFSC24-019
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Cllr Leslie Rice
Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Kevin Foster
Cllr John Pearce
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Sir Tony Redmond
Cllr Amanda Boote
Agenda item :
9 Overview of Staffing Levels through the Council Restructure RFSC24-014
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Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr John Morley
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Amanda Boote
Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Cllr Leslie Rice
Kevin Foster
Cllr Leslie Rice
Kevin Foster
Cllr Amanda Boote
Kevin Foster
Stephen Fitzgerald
Cllr Leslie Rice
Cllr Amanda Boote
Webcast Finished
- Schedule - Declaration of Interests, opens in new tab
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-012 - Work Programme, opens in new tab
- July Strategic Risk Register, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-018 Proposal - Additional Committee Meeting, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-013 - Improvement and Recovery Plan and Programme Update, opens in new tab
- IRB 040924_item 3_Highlight Reports, opens in new tab
- IRP POAP, opens in new tab
- IRB 040924_item 5 - Programme Risks, opens in new tab
- IRP Programme KPIs, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-016 Treasury Management Mid-Year Report, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-016 Appendix A 24-25, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-019 Summary of Statutory Duties of Local Authorities, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-020 Overview of staffing levels through the council restructure, opens in new tab
- RFSC24-020 - Appendix 1, opens in new tab